Why is it that our leaders are never there when you really need them?
The Romans experienced this when Emperor Nero fiddled while Rome burned.
We experienced this on September 11th, 2012, when President Obama went nighty-night while our consulate in Benghazi was attacked and four Americans were killed.
Now, it appears that Secretary of State John Kerry is following suit. This past Wednesday, while Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi was being removed from power by the nation’s armed forces in a military coup, Secretary Kerry decided that the time was right for an afternoon cruise on his 76-foot yacht.
CBS producers happened to spot Kerry cruising off Nantucket Island and tweeted about it:
A @CBSThisMorning producer just spotted Secretary of State Kerry on yacht in the Nantucket Boat Basin. No response when she shouted “Morsi”
— Mosheh Oinounou (@Mosheh) July 3, 2013
The State Department, of course, vehemently denied that Kerry was on his boat while the nation of Egypt was in the midst of a regime change:
State dept issues stmt disputing our report that we saw John Kerry on a boat in Nantucket today. Says he has been working “all day” on Egypt — Mosheh Oinounou (@Mosheh) July 4, 2013
The dogged CBS producers refused to budge, doubling down on their claim of Kerry’s whereabouts during the crisis.
Then, pictures of the former Massachusetts Senator began to surface:

Eventually, the State Department had to concede that Secretary John Kerry was indeed yachting while Cairo was burning:
Said State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki of the situation:
While he was briefly on his boat on Wednesday, Secretary Kerry worked around the clock all day including participating in the President’s meeting with his national security council.
The Twitterverse responded with the appropriate level of snarkiness. People began to tweet with the hashtag #JohnKerryYachtNames, proposing new monikers for the hard-working Secretary’s pleasure boat . Below are some of the more hilarious tweets:
#JohnKerryYachtNames Leading From BeHeinz — Joseph Daniel Deal (@joseph_deal) July 4, 2013
#JohnKerryYachtNames Ketchup in the Rye — David Burge (@iowahawkblog) July 4, 2013
#JohnKerryYachtNames Chicken of the Sea — Imaumbn™ (@Imaumbn) July 4, 2013
#JohnKerryYachtNames Theresa’s Bitch — greg williams (@gwilliams1967) July 4, 2013
#JohnKerryYachtNames S.S. Frankenstein — Natasha Fatale (@N_Fatale) July 4, 2013
#JohnKerryYachtNames: Titanic Ego
— PattyK (@PattyKrtz) July 5, 2013
#JohnKerryYachtNames Married Well
— pathfinder (@macbenz46) July 4, 2013
#JohnKerryYachtNames The Longface — MAST (@PuroPincheLeeds) July 4, 2013
#JohnKerryYachtNames She Wears The Pants — Liberty_Bunny (@GOPBunny) July 4, 2013
#JohnKerryYachtNames stolen valor — MRE cracker (@JohnMcGillis) July 4, 2013
#JohnKerryYachtNames Swift Boat II — Just Me (@altimaguy) July 4, 2013
#JohnKerryYachtNames Beats Workin’ — Natasha Fatale (@N_Fatale) July 4, 2013
#johnKerryYachtNames; “Tax Dodge” — Dr. Luv (@papacass84) July 4, 2013
#JohnKerryYachtNames Lurch’s Floating Mansion — Lizzy_’C’racka, yo! (@L_Candin) July 4, 2013
#johnkerryyachtnames sea horseface — oliver noodle (@olivernoodle) July 4, 2013
#JohnKerryYachtNames Fonda Heinz Ketchup — Bryan R.. (@youthpastorbry) July 4, 2013
#JohnKerryYachtNames Sail A Neigh — Mrs. Beckham (@beth_thomason) July 4, 2013
#JohnKerryYachtNames Chin Chin — Just Me (@altimaguy) July 4, 2013
#JohnKerryYachtNames My Other Yacht is My Wifes Too — SoupNCracker (@souperfan2012) July 4, 2013
#JohnKerryYachtNames Too Big to Sail — Candice (@CandiLissa) July 4, 2013
#JohnKerryYachtNames Lurch To The Left — Joseph Daniel Deal (@joseph_deal) July 4, 2013
Secretariat of State #JohnKerryYachtNames
— Denise Russell (@DRussell76) July 4, 2013
#JohnKerryYachtNames “The Sea Derp”
— The Morning Spew (@TheMorningSpew) July 4, 2013
#JohnKerryYachtNames Shit Floats
— Melissa (@1crazystlgal) July 4, 2013
#JohnKerryYachtNames Long John Silver Spoon — Daniel Snyder (@danmsnyder) July 4, 2013
#JohnKerryYachtNames. S.S. Douche Canoe — VegasGolfDude (@VegasGolfDude) July 4, 2013
#johnKerryYachtNames. Ketchup on Affairs Later
— Slade O’Brien (@SladeOBrien) July 6, 2013
#JohnKerryYachtNames “You Rang?” pic.twitter.com/htoMrWrYvr
— Thomas (@rightwingNYer) July 4, 2013