Working at MSNBC means always having to say you’re sorry.
The latest video compilation from the Washington Free Beacon shows just how often MSNBC hosts have had to apologize after their on-air shenanigans went horribly awry.
To recount a few examples:
Melissa Harris-Perry had to swallow her words after making fun of the Romney family for adopting a black baby.
Touré had to fall on the sword after uttering the N-word during a diatribe against Mitt Romney in which he accused the former Governor of using racial coding and stereotyping.
Martin Bashir had to issue a mea culpa after suggesting that someone resurrect a type of slave punishment and defecate in Sarah Palin’s mouth.
But don’t worry, these people are from the party of tolerance and inclusion.
Here is the video “MSNBC: All Apologies, All the Time.”