Home > Most Popular > Obama Skeet Shooting Photo: Don’t Photoshop, Dares White House
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Obama Skeet Shooting Photo: Don’t Photoshop, Dares White House

On January 27, 2013, the magazine New Republic published an interview with President Obama in which the Commander-in-Chief was pointedly asked: “Have you ever fired a gun?”

POTUS responded with:

“Yes, in fact, up at Camp David, we do skeet shooting all the time.”

In the days following the article’s publication, doubt began to surface over the verity of this claim, primarily because White House Press Secretary Jay Carney could not specify how many times the President had gone skeet shooting at the Maryland-based retreat:

“I’m not sure how often he’s done that. … There may be [a photo], but I haven’t seen it.”

The skepticism only intensified from there, with a source close to the administration saying that that particular activity had only happened, at most, a couple of times. The source explained further:

“[Skeet shooting] is very hard. Especially for someone not used to guns … He couldn’t have been more uncomfortable.”

Yesterday, in an effort to silence all critics, naysayers, and skeet shooting-deniers, or “skeeters,” the White House released a picture of President Obama looking stately while firing a 12-gauge shotgun (presumably) at clay pigeons. The photo, posted to the White House’s Flickr account, came with a stern warning:

“The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.”

In other words, please Photoshop this.

Needless to say, the Internet listened. Below are 50 of the finest Photoshopped versions of the picture that was intended to shoot holes in any “skeeter” conspiracy theories, but which ended up misfiring in spectacular fashion:

obama skeet constitution

obama skeet bin laden

obama skeet bang flag

obama skeet laser cat

obama skeet bugs bunny

obama skeet dukes of hazzard

obama skeet nerf

obama skeet backwards

obama skeet drone

obama skeet lady legs

obama skeet romney

obama skeet golf

obama skeet dukakis

obama skeet green screen

obama skeet skeet skeet

obama skeet black ops

obama skeet shooting grand theft auto san andreas gta

obama skeet beaker

obama skeet duck hunt

obama skeet duck hunt dog laugh

obama skeet shooting super mario brothers

obama skeet jr ewing

obama skeet muskets

obama skeet fast and furious

obama skeet magnificent seven

obama skeet predator schwarzenegger

obama skeet shooting star wars empire strikes back ice hoth

obama skeet shooting star wars storm trooper

obama skeet marxmanship

obama skeet south park

obama skeet debt limit high capacity magazines

obama skeet jfk grassy knoll

obama skeet queen elizabeth

obama skeet shooting redcoats

obama skeet hello kitty

obama skeet teleprompter

obama skeet ike tina

obama skeet republican party

obama skeet oj simpson chase

obama skeet superdome power

obama skeet shooting bang flag birth certificate

obama skeet shooting dick cheney

obama skeet shooting apple ipod commercial

obama skeet shooting smoking ganja weed blunt rastafarian

obama skeet shooting nra speech

obama skeet shooting dr ben carson

obama skeet shooting george w bush

obama skeet shooting psy gangnam style

obama skeet shooting walking dead

obama skeet shooting duck dynasty

President Obama Skeet Shooting Photoshop Star Wars Return of the Jedi Han Solo Princess Leia Chewbacca Stormtroopers Ewoks Planet Endor White House shotgun rifle target

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